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Fall 2023 Initiates
The brothers of Beta Nu Lambda are proud to introduce The Rhythmless Guardians of the Sphinx, the newest initiates of the Beta Nu Lambda Chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. Please welcome these brothers into the House of Alpha.
#01 James Goode - 1ceberg
#02 Antonio Thompson - Phan2om
#03 Jared Mincey - UnPHaz3d
#04 Andre Lennon - 4tiPHied
#06 Robert Relief - Phro6en Knight
#07 Aaron Fuller - Offbea7
#09 Jermaine Farrar - Rel9ntless
#10 Mike Harris - Silent Sen10el
#11 Mike Martin - Cr1t1cal Path
#12 Ben Hawkins - Trusted Adv12or
#13 Robert Graves - Ph1rst R3sponder
#14 Bryce Webb - Phore1gn Af4airs
#15 Elbert Hagwood - Cold De1iv5rence
#16 David Bennett - 1mm6rtal Phoenix

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