Manifest Destiny - Fall '98
1. Carl Williams - Cold Hearted
2. Byron Eastman, Jr - Trailblazer
4LLenium - Spring '00
1. Laronza Bridges - Ace-c1cle
2. Tim Johnson - Ecclez"ICE"tes
3. Jeff Alston - AT&T
4. Ivan McLaughlin - Psycho
5 Soldiers of Egypt - Spring '01
1. Joseph Starr - Mystery
2. Clifton Ashe - Optical Illusion
3. Kevin Canty - Reasons
4. Corey McGriff - Comeback
5. John Taylor - Banana Republic
Talented Tenth - Spring '02
1. Danny Thomas - Special Delivery
2. Eddie Callahan - Phraggle Rock
3. Steven Carmichael - No Sweat
4. Joel Dancy - Phaces
5. Derrick Jackson - Cast Away
6. Melvin Wright - White Socks
7. T. Brian George - Grape Ape
8. Kevin Douglas - Prodigal Son
9. Stafon Abraham - Ash to Ash
10. Quincy Etheridge - Poetic Place
Phrozen Phew - Spring '03
1. Elgy Redmond
2. R. Shumba Shaver - Black Ice
3. Daniel W. Grisham, Jr. - Bricktannica
4. Sean L. Hunter - Iceburg
5. Dwain K. Cherry - Phrostbite
Valley of Darkness,
Shadows of Light - Spring '05
1. Elijah Watson - Ma'at
2. Desmond Blackett - Dark Sky
3. Gregory Blakeney - Phlat-Line
4. Ladontae Wooten - Amen
Golden Legacy - Spring '06
1. David Small, Jr. - Gritmus
2. Michael Blunt - Shine
3. Derrick Love - Shaolin MONKey
4. J. Seldric Blocker - Ice Storm
5. Michael Simms - Phrozen Poet
6. Timothy Pride - Ice-Phactor
7. Deno Cornelius - Sankofa
8. Darnell Glover - Ice House
Phrozen Phists of Phury- Spring '07
1. Brian David Summers - ICE B.O.X. (Bout of Extinction)
Sands of Time - Spring '09
1. Joe Randolph - Zone Cold
2. Ramond Robinson - Stone Pillar
3. Adrian Nunez - Icarus
4. Jonathan Rogers - Nebulous
Cold Consequences - Spring '11
1. Nicholas Browner - Apocalypse
2. Khoy Blasi-Diggs - Phlash Light
3. Mark Sanders - Kongfrontation
4. Aaron Smith - Phrozone
The Phinal Phive - Spring '13
1. Sanjay Beecher – Phranchise
2. Ryan Frazier – Phocal Point
3. Dameon Smith – Phlatline Part II
4. Jerome McClendon – Brain Phreeze
5. Richard Thaxton - Phortitude
The Six Guardians of the Light Spring '14
1. Dominique Edwards - The Ace of Silence
2. Jerel Harvey - Genesis Philosopher
3. Quincy Kea - Phrontline Protector
4. Austin Hutchinson - Phrozen Breed
5. Clinton Hicks - Phinal Word
6. Archie Moss - ArICEstotle
The JustICE League - Spring '16
1. Alfred Wynn - Kal-El
2. Bryant Shorter - Professor X
3. Darius Wilson - Static Shock
4. Jerame Smalls - The Phlash
5. Brian Pratt - Lex Luthor
6. Milton Williams - Mr. Phreeze
7. Chad Jimerson - Cyborg
8. Sam Smith - T'Challa
9. Jordan Lewis - Deadpool
10. Demetris Freeman - Dark Knight
11. Brandon Laribo - Daywalker
12. Tim Pass - Phirestorm
Rogue Nation - Spring '18
1. Mallory Felder - Discip1e of Ice
2. Jason Pounds - PHrozen Renegade
3. James Jennings - Sil3nt Assassin
4. Mike Nail - Zen Master
5. Ervin Singleton - TePHlon Don
6. Jonathan Carnegie - The EnPHorcer
7. Quintavias King - Law PHIrm
8. Darrell Sawyer - IceBr8ker
9. Lee Cooley - Neutralizer
10. Taylor Robinson - B1g C0untry
11. Mike Daniel - The En1ightened 1
The Dark Ones - Spring '20
1. Sterling Morris II - Go1den ACEvestment
2. Aaron A. McNeely - The Iron PHIst
3. Satchel D. Whitlock - Cold ConcenTR3tion
4. Dr. Michael D. Boswell - Cerebral Phortex
5. Zachary S. Cafarelli - Phrozen Protégé
6. Walter R.A. Wright - ARCTICulate JustICE
7. Kenneth J. Leftwich - Cold Hard Phacts
8. Kadeem R. Collins - Calcul8ted Control
9. Darnell C. Brame Jr. - PHIre Support
10. Cameron J. Burney - TENac10us Phenom
11. Reginald J. Adkins - Blurred V1s1on
12. Jamal Payne - The Phi1o2opher
13. Nichad Davis - Restorat1v3 JustICE
14. Terrance L. Hobbs - LeX Luthor
15. Gerald Wilson - S1lent Kni5ht
16. Christopher Hawkins - BonA-PHId mAstermind
17. Kevin W. Poirier - Sir ICEic Newton
18. Terrence A. Hawkins - PH1-nancial Le8acy
19. Marcus W. Allen - Chewbacca
Showtime - Spring '22
1. Joshua A. Hinds - Shadow ACEsassin
2. Lejorne Leys - X-PHac2or
3. Ramhaad Smith - Gr3at D3bat3r
4. Roderick Wilkins - PhotograPHIc
5. Christopher E. Manigault - sacri5ICE
6. Brandon Lampley - Triple Point
7. Markel Limbacker - Civi7 JustICE
8. Terry Lackings - Blk Ops
9. Cleaveland N. Rankin - COLD M9KE
10. Jaylin Murray - THE INSPIRER
11. Eugene Allen - The Doubted One
12. Geoffrey Milord - CO1D BURD2N
13. Patrick Hastings - Qu13t Storm
14. Kenneth A. Williams - Golden Ramesses
15. Will Coggins - Jack Phrost
16. Jawara Tyson - 1rrefuta6le
17. Michael Benoit - PH1NES7E
18. Shimane Smith - Last Call
19. Zaire Holmes - Phresh Pr1nc9
20. Alphonso Stevens - MultiPHaceted
21. Christopher E. Harris - The Rev'Errant
22. Jahine Grady - Rock of Gibraltar
23. Matthew C. Longley - EQUALI23R
24. Daniel Johnson - Phrozen Phreedom Phighter
25. Terrence Ancrum - PROFE25OR ICE
26. Derrick Coleman - Re2urr6ction
THE R.G.S - Fall '23
#01 James Goode - 1ceberg
#02 Antonio Thompson - Phan2om
#03 Jared Mincey - UnPHaz3d
#04 Andre Lennon - 4tiPHied
#06 Robert Relief - Phro6en Knight
#07 Aaron Fuller - Offbea7
#09 Jermaine Farrar - Rel9ntless
#10 Mike Harris - Silent Sen10el
#11 Mike Martin - Cr1t1cal Path
#12 Ben Hawkins - Trusted Adv12or
#13 Robert Graves - Ph1rst R3sponder
#14 Bryce Webb - Phore1gn Af4airs
#15 Elbert Hagwood - Cold De1iv5rence
#16 David Bennett - 1mm6rtal Phoenix